Xárene Eskandar is currently building her Dakar rally car, Dreki Blanco, with a world-class team in the Mojave Desert. Since 2017 she’s given talks on AI, ethics of technology, and smashing the patriarchy.

Exhibition History

 I pioneered a new aesthetic of photography called time slice. It’s been published, awarded, and exhibited internationally. (2008-2010)

 During my doctoral research (Sept 2024) I developed a new methodology for environmental data visualization based on my time slice photography, called realtime lapse. (IEEE 2013)

 Based on my doctoral work, I founded a Tokyo-based artificial intelligence start-up, Machinic Phylum, building a SaaS platform for sustainable energy development. Always seeking investment. (2018)

 My first film Driving at the speed of the Nordic sun premiered at Walt Disney Concert Hall Los Angeles. (2017). My next film is in development.

 A curated selection of my photography is for sale here

 My available artist books are not for sale here.

Flickr is an incomplete photo-dump of my favorite places and travels; instagram is not curated for the ‘gram; it’s just an infrequent visual diary.

   /        /        /        /        /        /        /        /        /       /    pic by George Leite